The Democrats are taking cover from Obama lies. They even have to admit that Obama stimulus plans will not work at all. But, why did they wait 2 years to tell the fool Obama his plan will not work?Why did Democrats wait 2 years to tell the clown Obama and voters his plans would not work? Time to Cover?They probably wonder how they would tell their Messiah that his plan for redeeming the economy won't work. Maybe the Democratic congress just wanted a "know nothing" puppet to do their bidding.|||Fool, Only now at the end do you understand. Barry is the mouthpiece for Pelosi, do you understand now?Why did Democrats wait 2 years to tell the clown Obama and voters his plans would not work? Time to Cover?No one knows if it will work or not. There's no way to know that. Even economists will tell you that. What lies? Man, you guys are so desperate. What do you think you are going to accomplishing by making up stuff? You are just making yourself look like a fool.|||NO. To the best of my knowledge the Democrats are not telling
PE BHO anything? I did not vote for BHO..but he won so we shall
be given the Obama Administration four years to do their job.Why did Democrats wait 2 years to tell the clown Obama and voters his plans would not work? Time to Cover?They were willing to accept anything he told the 'sheeple' just to get him in office. Now he and they are about to look like fools and they don't want to get caught up in it. Creeps, all.|||What "plans". All Obama talks about is how we need change, and how we need to rebuild a 21st century economy, but he hasn't laid out any plan or detail list. bla bla bla blaa blaaaaaaaaa. All I've heard is a bunch of s%$t we already know.|||The Democrats wanted him elected and he made promises to the middle class and poor that he can't keep. He has people like Pelosi,Feinstein,Reid and a Kennedy,maybe 2 whispering in his ear and directing him on what to do. What you need to watch for is if any of those mentioned do anything that helps the middle class and poor in their states. Pelosi and Feinsteins state of Ca in dire straits and everyone is blaming Arnold so what is their job if it's not to work for their people. The far left want gay marriage w/benefits and porn bailout. They are more likely to get what they want.|||Obama wasn't the president-elect 2 years ago and the economy wasn't in the tank like it is now. How could your assertion possibly be even 1/2 way correct?|||I am sorry what lies are you talking about ? We Democrats are not like Republicans . We do not just vote for some one because of blind Party Loyalty. If we disagree with some one in our own party -we just disagree .We are not programed to think all in one way and direction . And we will speak up even against our own party if as individuals we have a disagreement.
This is my answer to your statement.|||what plan.he was the guy who stood on stage saying he is going to fix everything and cure your grandmothers gout, and 62 percent of the dumb asses bought it...madoff was a big bullshitter also, but he got in sales, and i will tell you, there are people out there that will buy anything.|||Nope, let's go back to the bush plan. The $ is now about 0.55 cts. maybe we can get it down to 0.25 cts. We're only bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan; I think we ought to give chaney another chance. Maybe he can find a way to bomb Connecticut. Is that a plan or what.
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