Sunday, February 5, 2012

How many presidents besides Obama have we had that admitted in writing to committing a felony?

Obama admitted in his book he possessed cocaine which is a felony.

What other president has admitted in writing to committing a felony?How many presidents besides Obama have we had that admitted in writing to committing a felony?Most presidents like our laws- Obama feels he don't have to abid by them, like most radical leftists. We never had such a radical left president before- not even Jimmy Carter was this radical, I think Carter is so old now he must be losing his mind to visit with Hama's.

Shoot half of Obamas administration didn't pay their taxes- he even like hiring people who break the law.|||This isn't an answer to the question, but to the MORON who tried to pin the Spanish-American war on Theodore Roosevelt, he should strongly take under consideration the fact that at the onset of that war, Roosevelt was NOT the president, but rather the Secretary of the Navy. His actions contributed to the end of that war when Lt. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt led the rough riders to a decisive victory at San Juan Hill in Cuba. But judging by most of the answers to this question, most of you people only use books as fuel.How many presidents besides Obama have we had that admitted in writing to committing a felony?Bush he admits to starting two wars with lies that included the need to our an undercover CIA agent.

Bush admits to kidnapping and torturing people.

Bush's VP admits he drank beer and then shot a guy

The personal aide to Bush's VP is a convicted felon.

These are all felonies when you deal with these then tell me agian about President of the United States of Amercian Barrack Obama.|||Not sure. Most of them won't take the responsibility for it. And Obama didn't admit to POSSESSION. He full on admitted to doing it. This is probably what strikes me the oddest--anyone else, and I do mean ANYONE else, and everyone would be having a fit over it. He speaks pretty--but listen to the words people. FUNDAMENTALLY transform this nation. Do any of you understand what FUNDAMENTALS are? Well, here is a clue, in the U.S., those fundamentals largely include your freedoms.How many presidents besides Obama have we had that admitted in writing to committing a felony?When faced with choosing between someone who has possessed cocaine and will admit it, like Barack Obama, and someone who has possessed cocaine and won't admit it, like George W. Bush, I choose the former.


"Bush NEVER said he did cocaine and he certainly never did it in writing ... "

My point exactly.|||He told the truth. I wonder like when the Pharisees were gathered together to criticize the woman who was taken and was to be stoned for adultery that Jesus wrote in the dirt and what he wrote no one knows but it is proported that it was the SINS OF ALL THE PHARISEES AND WHAT THEY DID IN THEIR SECRET LIFE

Think of yourself. Your inner thought life and your actions and your dirty little secrets and be humble and do not slander because slander comes back to you and that is not good.

If someone tells the truth about whatever they did in their life that is revelation. When someone hides in secrecy that is sin.

Think about these things and do not throw stones in your glass house for Karmic debt is HELL to pay

Your assistant

Doctorate in Divinity

david|||George W. Bush - Let's see.. using cocaine. And if it was libel then he or CHENEY would have sued them! Get a life! He won!|||George Bush was probably guilty though I doubt he ever admitted it. He was also AWOL while his fellow Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam which is a lot worse in my mind than a teenage Obama carrying some coke around.|||Bush, he admitted to warrantless wiretapping, which is a felony, and he admitted torture, another felony|||Bush, who had a DUI. Clinton also lied under oath and obstructed justice, so its pretty hard for him to deny that since its common knowledge. Nixon obstructed justice.|||Bush did cocaine too. Lincoln had his political opponents arrested. Theodore Roosevelt started the Spanish-American war before we declared war on them.|||Cocaine possession is only a felony in most states if they arrest you for intent to distribute.|||George Bush and Bill Clinton both admitted to drug use. Jimmy Carter never admitted it, but that dude had to be wasted.|||Nixon, Bush, Bush, Clinton....|||Nixon, Bush, and Clinton|||President Bush. That was actually in the law books. Hard to deny it.|||Bush is the only other felon prez!|||a presidential candidate admitted he committed a war crime ,when he re-wrote his military war record.And he wrote the about the crime in French .I can't remember his name.
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