Sunday, February 5, 2012

What will the Obama supporters do when he LOSES to McCain on NOV 4th?

haha This race is so far from over and McCain supporters are so much more dedicated than Obama's it is shocking! Obama supporters are so blinded by his bright shining light and they think he has it in the bag! Guess what? HE DOESN'T!

Projected electoral maps mean NOTHING! Polls mean NOTHING! Get used to it folks! Obama is going back to Chicago!What will the Obama supporters do when he LOSES to McCain on NOV 4th?You are right, the race is not over. There are so many of us who are very concerned about this election. I know myself, a lot of my democrat friends who will not vote for him. The polls are using the information regarding how many usually vote, rep or dem. When the curtain is drawn, many will look at the 2 options and will see that the change Obama has in store for us, is not the change we want. Keep up the faith! The fat lady is still sitting down. Oh BTW, we don't want him back in Chicago. |||I agree with everything but the chicago part. He needs to go back to Kenya.What will the Obama supporters do when he LOSES to McCain on NOV 4th?I think it would mean a huge overhaul in the media.

I saw a poll 2 weeks ago on AOL that had Mccain WAY ahead in every state but California and 3 or 4 in New England.|||GOD, who gives a flying CRAP!! WTF does it matter what supporters will do after the election. What do you expect them to go jump off a cliff or something? They will live their everyday life like everyone else. My life hasn't changed no matter who the president is. Everyone blames bush for the war, well no one was telling him to sit around and do nothing when we were attacked. Seriously, I think we are all screwed no matter who the next president is. So Whatever.What will the Obama supporters do when he LOSES to McCain on NOV 4th?We will celebrate because we are going to win and i'm starting to smell your anger and frustration. 8 years of failure are about to end and someday we will look back at history with shame of having elected an inept like Fush. long live Obama|||Obama supporters will cry foul and demand a federal investigation of voter fraud, which will turn up massive voter fraud on behalf of the Obama cronies over at Acorn, Obama will finally be vetted for his involvement in the sub-prime crisis and his constituents will turn on him like they turned on Brittany Spears. He will go back to the US Senate humiliated for his attempted non-resident voting tactics and he will ultimately lose his Senate seat to Mike Ditka in 2010.

He is a liar and a flim flam man and his covers are getting pulled. Waxy eyed followers or not, there are too many people in this country of sane mind to allow this whacko to get in.|||You realize there is a very small chance that this question ISN'T going to make you look like a moron in 5 days....?

The election was basically over when McCain announced whack-job Palin as his running-mate...

|||send osama back 2 his caves. |||Maybe if there is a clerical error that gives McCain additional 10% of the votes... wait a minute, even that will not give McCain enough votes.

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