There is little chance Obama will be reelected- but *if* he is, the Republicans and the military need to remove him form power in order to to protect freedom.. Do the republicans have the courage to do this? Obama was NOT born in this country, so is not qualified to be president.If Obama is reelected in 2012, can the Republicans have him arrested and removed?he make a history that Afro-American was first time to be elected as president. But it wasn't worth his salt.|||Yep, that's how democracy works.If Obama is reelected in 2012, can the Republicans have him arrested and removed?If he is elected, than he is our leader, and those who support others did not do their part.|||That's right, Obama was born in Hawaii, which isn't part of the United States. That's why we need a coup d'etat to protect the government.If Obama is reelected in 2012, can the Republicans have him arrested and removed?House Republicans now have three big strikes against them that prove their rhetoric on fiscal responsibility is nothing but gross hypocrisy: taxpayer money for pet projects, office budgets for self promotion and personal financial failure. The latest House Republicans rhetoric on fiscal responsibility rings hallow.
1. Cost-Cutters, Except When the Spending Is Back Home. “Freshman House Republicans who rode a wave of voter discontent into office last year vowed to stop out-of-control spending, but that has not stopped several of them from quietly trying to funnel millions of federal dollars into projects back home.” [NY Times, 7/20/11]
-Tea Partiers Against Deal Gain From District Spending. “Sixty House members backed by the Tea Party, whose opposition to federal spending helped bring on an impasse over raising the U.S. debt ceiling, represent districts that last year received $43 billion in government contracts.” [Bloomberg News, 7/29/11]
-Freshman Republicans Lobby Federal Agencies For Millions Amid Spending Critiques. [Huffington Post, 7/5/11]
2. Fervent Budget-Cutters Still Spend on Mass Communication. “They are among the House’s fervent budget-cutters: 13 legislators who have said they won’t raise the debt ceiling without a promise to slash government spending. But these 13 also hold another designation. […] Each spent more than $50,000 on these communications, more than six times the average in Congress. In most cases, the mailings carried smiling pictures of the congressmen and messages about their work on the Hill.” [Washington Post, 7/15/11]
Republican Freshmen Spend Big Bucks on Cars, PR. “They rode into Washington on an anti-spending wave, but some House Republican freshmen are already enjoying one of the perks of incumbency, spending their office budgets on everything from $1,000-a-month car leases to pricey online advertising contracts. At least 15 GOP freshmen have shelled out tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on mass communication — or franking — designed to boost their exposure back home, even as they call for budget cuts and pared-back government spending, according to quarterly disbursement reports released by the House.” [Politico, 6/8/11]
3. Some Republican Freshmen in Congress Hold Major Debt, Disclosure Forms Show. “Members of the firebrand class of Republican freshmen on Capitol Hill — elected on a pledge to attack the U.S. debt problem — have, in some cases, accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in personal debt.” [Washington Post, 6/15/11]
Some GOP Members Hit Own Debt Limit: Members Have Faced Liens, Foreclosures. “Some Republicans in Congress who have railed against raising the debt ceiling have previously struggled to manage their own finances. Among the group of lawmakers who have resisted or rejected Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) push to pair spending cuts with a debt limit increase are individuals who have declared bankruptcy, run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card debt, had their homes foreclosed on and failed to pay their taxes, a Roll Call analysis of public records and published reports shows.” [Roll Call, 8/1/11]|||PRESIDENT OBAMA WILL BE RE-ELECTED IN 2012 AND THERE IS NOTHING THE REPUBLIKKKLANS CAN DO ABOUT IT ! THIS AIN'T THE USSR ! BY NOW YOU WOULD THINK THAT THE DUMMIES CRYING ABOUT WHERE THIS PRESIDENT WAS BORN WOULD KNOW BETTER BY NOW ! FOX FOOLS FOR THE REPUBLIKKKLAN PARTY ARE BRAIN WASHED BY FOX NAZI NO NEWS ! THAT IS WHY THEY KEEP REPEATING THE SAME OLD STUPID CRAP ,OVER AND OVER AGAIN ! IT KIND OF MAKE YA WONDER ,WHAT'S IN YOUR MOON PIES ? TEA ?|||No - and birthers are just silly.|||Hawaii has been part of this country since 1898. Just a little history lesson for the "birthers".|||This reminds me- I can't believe the military didn't remove him when we
found he was the Antichrist, a terrorist, and a Muslim in 2008 lol.|||Read the constitution. The president is over the military. Your idea is basically rip up the constitution in order to save our country. No, that would not be courage, that would be treason. I usually vote republican.|||If that is the case, then Democrats should of had Bush removed and arrested.|||If the birth certificate is proven to be fraudulent, or if the Supreme Court rules that Minor v. Happersett declared natural born citizens to be those who were born in the U.S. to U.S. citizen parents, then I would argue, YES, he CAN be arrested and removed.
Now, as for whether Obama was born in Hawaii or not, I just don't know. I personally believe he was more than likely born in Hawaii. But, then I ask myself, why are his "birth certificates" fraudulent or the very least unauthentic?
I am very sympathetic to "birthers" because those who think they're just "conspiracy nuts" are usually either Obots or those that haven't done any research for themselves.
Here's some reasons "birthers" still exist:
The White House claimed the short form was requested in 2008 when the date stamp on the short form says 2007:…
Obama claimed the short form was released two and a half years ago when the date stamp on the short form says 2007:…
Janice Okubo (whose COLB may have been used to create the forgery) claimed the short form was requested in 2008 even though the date stamp says 2007:… ;…
The White House linking to a fake birth certificate claiming it was authentic:…
Long Form has layers and wasn’t flattened:…
The Short Form can be seen behind the long form:…
SSN has a zipcode for a Connecticut mailing address:
According to an NSIS report,Sarah Obama claimed Obama was born in Mombassa:…
Fox News Contributor Major General Paul Vallely: I’ve had retired CIA Agents and Investigators look at Obama’s birth certificate and 10 out of 10 say it is fraudulent:…
Any sane person should be able to look at this and realize there are plenty of suspicious elements. Those who don't are already so brainwashed they probably wouldn't care if Obama really was born in Kenya. Still, there are conservatives who also say we need to look past all this and focus on "more important issues." Hey, I consider this important issue. Those conservatives who don't care are usually defeatists and think of themselves as "realists." What I know is if I made a fraudulent birth certificate and claimed it was real to government authorities I would be put in jail. But, hey, Obama's the President! It doesn't matter what he does with his Chicago Mafia. All Heil Führer Obama!|||You're an idiot. He was born in Hawaii.……|||I am not for obama too but he is doing pretty good. I hope we elect someone different but if we dont then u have to live with obama being prez.|||You are up past your bed time.|||He needs to be arrested and removed|||That will never happen.|||You are ******* stupid.|||HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
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