Thursday, February 2, 2012

What are economic problems that obama has to solve?

In a country where we strive to be the best, there will always be problems. What are the problems we have today? That our president Barack Obama has to face in fixing our economy?What are economic problems that obama has to solve?Obama is trying to fix our economy ?

when ?|||The question is politically motivated. You might have your flag. But I will not take any side, and will try to answer your question as an economist. The economic problems facing our nation which have been posted in the New York Time and the Economist repeatedly can be summarized as follows.

1. We have slow growth, high and sustained unemployment rate, deflation, increasing current account deficits, external debts and budget deficits and higher inequality.

2. The fund rate has been kept near zero for so long and will not provide much space for monetary policy. Therefore, it must focus on long term bond rate, and keep the dollar value down.

3. Any fiscal policy has no consensus between the bipartisan, especially how to reduce budget deficit and tax cut for the rich.

4. Labor market is facing structural problem which skills can not match with demand.

5. 1% of Americans earn more than 20% of income. It is serious.

6.Alternative energy plan must be deleted. Sadly for Americans who are going green.

7. The President does not seem to use his full power,but compromise. He will have the second chance even when Europe and Japan are in crisis.What are economic problems that obama has to solve?here's a problem with our society today. people rely on the president to "fix" the economy. the economy isn't a machine with a few broken gears. the economy is just the word for the sum of transactions people make with one another. i'm getting off point here, my point is that we don't live in communism and people should stop looking to the president to fix things. the best thing the government can do is to stop getting in people's way. over the last 50-80 years the government has been encroaching on people's and businesses' affairs more and more. the basic tenets of capitalism is that open free markets work except in a few instances....those are

* Many small firms, each of whom produces an insignificant percentage of total market output and thus exercises no control over the ruling market price.

* Many individual buyers, none of whom has any control over the market price – i.e. there is no monopsony/monopoly power

* Perfect freedom of entry and exit from the industry. Firms face no sunk costs - entry and exit from the market is feasible in the long run. This assumption ensures all firms make normal profits in the long run

* Homogeneous products are supplied to the markets that are perfect substitutes. This leads to each firms being passive “price takers” and facing a perfectly elastic demand curve for their product

* Perfect knowledge – consumers have readily available information about prices and products from competing suppliers and can access this at zero cost – in other words, there are few transactions costs involved in searching for the required information about prices

* No externalities arising from production and/or consumption which lie outside the market

Only to the extent that one of these is violated does it make sense for the government to intervene and it only makes sense for it to intervene in a way that would proxy the violated assumption. For example, in the financial industry, there is a movement to disallow banks from trading securities (there are many reasons for this but lets focus on the assertion that they took advantage of buyers) if the case is that people are being taken advantage of and buying things that aren't worth anything then that is a failure of perfect knowledge. One way for the government to "fix" this is to make people visit multiply financial advisers to better educate them about investments they want to buy or waive their right about complaining about being taken advantage of. its very important that they don't try to fix it by creating undo hurdles.|||EVERYTHING!!!! Did you know that he was the one that caused terrorists to come and attack our subways? Did you know he took 2.6 billion dollars out of schools for tax expenses? He would've used the government.What are economic problems that obama has to solve?obama had fix alot but georgia block obama care which we dont have

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