New info: John Kilpatrick and some other prophets have said that God revealed to them that if Obama does this, the United states will be hit with a great earthquake in the middle of the nation.What do you think about Obama calling for the division of Jerusalem?Well meaning but I think like Tony Blair he is well out of his depth in this region - i.e. liberal (in the British meaning - open to hearing new ideas) and charismatic and "reasonable" while the protagonists feel passionately that *they* are at the battlefront of a 2000 year old jihad and each thinks that anyone who is not with them 100% is an enemy.|||I have not heard President Obama calling for the division of jerusalem only that Israel return to its original borders and stop trying to rebuild the mythical empire of david for which there is no evidence at all except in the big book of god and most of it is either disproved or under suspicion thanks to study conducted by Israeli archeolagistsWhat do you think about Obama calling for the division of Jerusalem?The city should be a global museum. Nobody should lay claim to it and it should be accessible to all people at all times. Any one country is too arrogant to think that they have claim on such an important global treasure. There has been enough death and destruction over that type of arrogance.|||Well, I wouldn't put too much faith in what John Kilpatrick says or any other "prophet" for that matter. There are no "prophets" unless Jesus lied when he said "Behold, I have told you all things." I know the Lord did not lie. How much money did Kilpatrick want you to send him after he revealed his "revelation from God"? Don't put your faith or belief in these charlatans that call themselves prophets. They are lying to you. According to scripture, John the Baptist was the last prophet. As for Obama's treatment of Israel, it comes as no surprise that Obama wants to weaken Israel. He's a Democrat and Democrats have a long history of abandoning Israel when we are needed by them.What do you think about Obama calling for the division of Jerusalem?America will still back Israel no matter what cause we have so many born again christians who think the second coming of jesus will be there and they're trying to escalate the conflict so jesus will be born out of there
its gay
I understand that the Jews needed a place to go but why is the middle east which had nothing to do with the war have to pay for it. Why not germany, poland, italy
They were offered Madagascar why didn't they take it? It's lame the whole conflict could have been ended
and dont give me any of its their land c r a p You can't use your religion to justify matters of other people|||If he does so, or has any strong effect in that direction, we ought to follow in King Solomon's wisdom as he dealt with two women who both claimed to be the mother of a particular child. He reasoned that the child should be divided. I reason the same action should be taken towards b o..
God, as in Jesus our Christ, Bless you.|||Why be surprised that Obama is calling for the division of Jerusalem..
He is the "Anti-Christ" isn't he?|||I'd like to see it happen, if for no other reason than to show the earthquake prediction wrong.
Jerusalem should be turned over to an international consortium of archeologists.|||it's a sane idea, hell with "LAND OF CHRISTIANS" OR "LAND OF THE JEWS" and all that nonsense, jerusalem is for _everybody_ but in order to gain peace it should be divided|||That won't happen. Don't listen to the psycho's on the TV and radio who say we'll get earth quakes and crap, they have never been right, not even once.
-Billy|||I think it's a horrible idea!!!|||Never going to happen.|||I think he's out of him mind.|||idk about the earthquake thing b/c i've never heard about that but I do believe it will affect us
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