Do you believe the polls right now? Are people really leaning heavily towards Obama or is the news media steering them and the polls in that direction? Leading by 4 or 5 points is not a landslide in my opinion.Are the masses really leaning Obama or is the news media steering them in that direction?The polls are always skewed democratic.
look at the Gore/Bush and Kerry/Bush elections- The democrats were ahead in every poll.
The media fawning over Obama is hurting him more than helping him. Most Americans are disgusted by this- and we don't want CNN or MSNBC telling us how to run our country.|||I never believe the polls. The polls always lean democratic and then in the end.... Republican. I don't think all Republicans participate in polls. Just seems to be the way it is.Are the masses really leaning Obama or is the news media steering them in that direction?Yes I believe so. I only go to Gallup poll. Did the media steer me towards Obama, NO
When Ted Kenney said that Obama reminded him of his brother JFK, I started research Obama and like most of his policies.
Gallup poll has it 48% over McCain at 41% and the rest is for a third party ticket.|||NoAre the masses really leaning Obama or is the news media steering them in that direction?the masses are about as split as they were in 2004.
only change, evangelicals are now undecided, and Reagen democrats are undecided.|||It's all about media intervention. It just goes to show, if you torture the evidence long enough, it will confess to anything.|||The news media are doing everyting they can to influence this election.
Just remember this,the election is in November not July.All this coverage and polling will do nothing to silence the silent majority.Obama will be defeated in November by 5+% points,America will not elect a socialist into office.|||Polls mean nothing to me... Either does the media... can't stand it!|||4 yars ago the media told us George Bush was retiring to Texas.|||I don't believe any polls. The media is "steering" as hard as they can. They won't chnage my mind though.|||Bush is pushing the masses towards the democratic party, even if you are a republican you know that|||It's the media... positive glowing coverage of Obama is so pervasive as to be embarrassing. With that kind of press he should have a double digit lead by now. The fact that it is a virtual tie says something about the BS filter in the American voter....|||i suspect the latter,
but we will not know until after the election|||please take solice in the fact that at this point in the past two elections, John F. Kerry and Algore were leading as well and they both lost to George W. Bush..this election will be no different...but McCain isn't as good as Bush was, so it might be more difficult...get your friends, relatives and co-workers hyped up about voting AGAINST Obama..tell them what a egotistical, socialist/stalinist/marxist he is..tell them what a racist church he attended..|||come on now you have seen this before with hillary it's all fabricated bullshit controlled by george soros to get the media to convince the american voters Obama's everyones choice but it didn't work the first time and won't work this time the people will still vote for McCain,, Obama needed the crooked delagates to beat hillary last time,, this time he got nothing to help him/////|||The democrat media is trying to lead the US voters to vote for Obama. McCain is probably ahead right now. How could the US people take Obama seriously when he doesn't take the high oil price and high gasoline seriously? Obama doesn't understand which issues are important or how to solve them. Plus there are many democrats (10% - 30%) who will never vote for Obama! If McCain picks a good conservative for his VP, he should win by a landslide. If not, McCain will probably still win.|||yes|||Obama may have a slight lead in the polls, but if you remember the primaries, he always overpolled. The media may support him but americans don't. Reverend Right, William Ayers, Tony Rezco_those are only a few things the elecorate won't forget. As much as the media will try to gloss over his nasty associations, they will sink him in the end.|||It's their way of brainwashing weak minds but they will not do it to me!|||Some of both is happening as is normal in this environment.|||...and I quote, "It's the economy, stupid!"|||Polls are often incorrect, but I believe Obama is doing quite well and might possibly defeat McWar in Nov.|||Yes but I believe the polls are misrepresentative, mainly because none of them take into account households that do not use land-lines. Cell-phone-only households are rising in number and many young and minorities aren't having their voices heard in these polls.
But its obvious the masses are leaning towards Obama. They are leaning towards the Democrat party in general now. Bush has caused too much damage and people are finally waking up. You don't even have to look at polls. Just look at fundraising. Or crowd turnouts. Pretty much every standard of measurement shows a momentum behind Obama.|||I sure hope so!|||No.
Because in the United States we do not have "masses"--we have individual citizens. Its only the arrogant and bigoted rigt wing that view their fellow citizens as "the masses." Anonther similarity between them and the communists they emulate.
And yes--citizens are supporting Obama.
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