For those of you who keep on blaming Bush for the economy failure, remember that it's Congress, not the President who controls all the bills that ultimately affect the public, and for the last 8 years my friends, Congress is controlled by Democrats, not Republicans, and during Clinton's administration, that's when Republicans are controlling Congress.|||i got a job, i got bank,
yall hatas don't, so suck my ****,
gas don't cost ****, i got a chopper,
i eat good cuz i married Betty Crocker!
Obama 4 Prezident-2012 BIZNITCH!
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What do you think of obama and how he is dealing with the economy?He SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||i think he is actually working like he said he would. he will be a good president. you cant fix 8 years of screw up in 2 monthsWhat do you think of obama and how he is dealing with the economy?I think it's solid... we're starting to see a turnaround in home sales... consumer spending... stock market and other economic's a good sign, but I don't think we're out of the woods yet...
hopefully, as Obama's policies come into play more, it will work with a recovering economy and really push us ahead...|||I'm hungry and have no food
I can't afford to smoke cigarettes because they are $6 dollars a pack
Gas prices are better, but my car is still sitting on E.
I think I will just file bankruptcy|||Wakkk, should've went Mccain. Then again who knows.|||he hasn't done what he said he would do. That stimulus package was all junk. One of the requests were that this place in Minnesota or somewhere near that wanted 1 million dollars to study the DNA of bears. Are you kidding me???????? Who needs to know about the DNA of bears. Now Obama has put our country in even more dept for our children's children.|||I believe that the bailout plan was stupid. He is doing too much all at one time. There is a lot of money in the bailout plan going to research of hog manure. Hello that is really ridiculous and there is also money going to research beaver dams. I thought we are trying to cut out deficit down. Not making it higher. It is too soon to really tell how he is doing, but so far I'm not liking what he is doing. He could be doing better, I do believe.|||I am no economist nor politician so I cannot speak too much to analyze how he is doing on those issues. And I am young, so I have only lived to understand him and our past President Bush. But what I do notice about him is how hard he works to get things done. Congress was debating on weather or not they were going to pass the Stimulus Bill and he did everything he could to get them to pass it so that he could sign it into law. I watched a speech he gave soon after it was passed and he mentioned that nothing is perfect and the economy did not get into a recession overnight and it won't get fixed overnight. But I like his idea. He is willing to do anything to get it done. Even if this stimulus package thing doesn't fix the recession as a whole, at least it will fix some things and possibly save it from getting worse.|||he is a liberal lunatic with a Messiah complex
the worst thing that happened to America in the last year
thumb me down I don't care, I am not drinking the Obama kool aid|||I think his stimulus plan will not help the economy. Giving money to auto workers and banks is not helping the average person. It is all in the perception. His hand outs look good to the average person and that may make people feel better but digging us deeper in debt will not help the country.
The rest of the world is worse off than the us but we could recover faster without spending us into a deficit.
Spending money will not help much to get us out of the recession. It did not work in the 1930's and it will not work now.|||Because be hasn't a clue what he's doing. Why is he the President of the most powerful country in the world at a time when the economy is failing, it wasn't the Republicans and bush who did it. It was Clinton and the democrats, the people who voted democrat will have alot to answer for when the world economy goes belly up.
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