Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why does Obama feel a need to bow to foreign leaders?

I mean seriously. Obama has bowed to more foreign heads of state than the previous 43! I know he's on 4 year "America Apology tour" but he's acting like a lapdog on the world stage. Obama you lead the most powerful nation on Earth, not Kenya. Act like it! Teddy, George and Abe are rolling over in their graves! This is the end result of when clueless morons vote!Why does Obama feel a need to bow to foreign leaders?Regarding foreign policy and the domestic economic crisis clearly Obama doesn't know his derriere from his elbow. This wasn't made clear enough during the 2008 POTUS race and now the American electorate is realizing these facts loud and clear.

That Obama bowed to as protege of Jeremiah Wright for many years was a big indication of Obama's character, integrity, and ineptness.|||He won.

He can do whatever he wants.Why does Obama feel a need to bow to foreign leaders?Because he does not like to kiss them.|||Maybe he was looking for 'something'Why does Obama feel a need to bow to foreign leaders?I guess Your Mother never taught you manners or what ?|||It's called respect.|||he's on some weird quest inside his head?|||Obama knows that the stupid Fox Media will just be burning their energy that and every thing else will just be going over their head. LOL|||HE IS SHOWING RESPECT...I KNOW THAT IS A CONCEPT THAT YOU CONS ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH. BUT LOOK IT UP AND LEARN SOMETHING.

I THINK ITS FANTASTIC THAT OUR LEADER IS SHOWING RESPECT TO OTHER LEADERS SOMETHING THAT BUSH HAD NO CLUE HOW TO DO|||I don't know, why do you feel the need to live life on your knees to right-wing demagogues?|||that is so true im so tired of liberals and obama portraying the us as a pussy.|||Have you ever heard of "culture"? Have you ever heard of "respect"? You're a con, of course not.|||You clearly don't understand politics, nor are you capable of interpreting what Washington and Lincoln would have believed. Mutual respect is of the utmost importance when you rule the world. Even the Roman Empire in it's imperial phase allowed conquered nations to keep their language, culture, and personal belief system, so long as they payed their dues and taxes, which creates a respect. Conquered countries even became glad they got to join the Roman empire over time.

Go read a book before believing crap you hear off Fox news.|||It must be a tradition in Kenya, that's the only thing I can think of, I'm not trying be a wise guy, but no other president has done it, so that's the only thing I can think of, his Kenyan ties*******************|||What's wrong with it? It's not a tradition, every president did it different, some did a half bow, and some did a quarter looking bow, no tradition right there. People are looking for stuff to complain about, just move on already!|||What all the other posters miserably fail to recognize is that he is the FIRST American president to bow or kneel before a foreign leader. It has nothing to do with a conservative lack of respect, because Clinton, Carter, JFK, and all the other democrats in American history actually had enough of a spine to treat foreign leaders as equals, not as superiors that he should beg forgiveness of. He's busy cultivating a culture of self-loathing in this country, and liberals are falling for it hook, line and sinker. The only change he wants is the one where we become the weaker.|||Yet another typical American -- Arrogant, Rude and Hypocritical. You scream and holler about how everyone else is required to show YOU respect -- all while refusing to show any respect to anyone else.

The next time someone from another country refuses to obey the Laws of the U.S., or a visiting Head of State refuses to acknowledge the "power" of the U.S., just remember how it was YOU who declared that THEY DON'T HAVE TO.

After all, this is "America", where we all get to make up our own rules.

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