Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why does Harry Reed and Obama want to jeopardize our fragile economy by not accepting Cut, Cap, and Balance?

The last election mandated the downsizing of government. Cut, Cap, and Balance provides a responsible route to getting there. Obama and Reed are willing to, and apparently planning on, the destruction of the US economy by not adopting this plan. Since the destruction of the economy always proceeds from the bottom up, this dangerous game of chicken the liberals are playing can inevitably result in the decimation of the poor and middle class. Why are they so willing to punish those who can least afford it?Why does Harry Reed and Obama want to jeopardize our fragile economy by not accepting Cut, Cap, and Balance?Harry Reid's refusal to allow debate on Cut/cap/balance is despicable. This is the ONLY piece of legislation that exists to address the issues at hand.|||CCB is a bad joke. No bill will pass right away that will affect the nation this adversly just because a con or a dem made it. WTF are you smoking?

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Why does Harry Reed and Obama want to jeopardize our fragile economy by not accepting Cut, Cap, and Balance?Because cut cap and balance could cripple the economy to a point of no return. As a constitutional amendment its not something you can try, and if its not working in 5 years tweak. It would burden the working class to level that could have lasting negative effects. You really need to read these measures before you listen to the liberal media or the crazy right wing talk shows. Both have an agenda to push through, even though the point at each other. No one bothers to read these measures, they just listen to whatever the the media or talk radio tell them believe.|||Nobody on either side would vote for cut, cap, and balance if they thought it would pass. It was not even edited and put into legislative language. It is strictly a political ploy.

Look at it. It just sets limits on spending without designating any cuts or spending and that is just for discretionary spending in 2012.Why does Harry Reed and Obama want to jeopardize our fragile economy by not accepting Cut, Cap, and Balance?If it had a remote chance of working in the USA, Obama would embrace it. It has NO chance at all.

The repubs want their way and they aren't going to get it, even IF prez Obama has to use his 'executive privilege' and make it so, the way it should be done - Obama's way.

That is why the prez has that power or the Congress(short of the 67 Senate votes required) would walk all over him, unless of course he were to be a republican.

Let me see now - Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times !! I wonder how THAT happened ??

Bush 43 'owns' almost 1/2 of what the debt is now. How did THAT happen ??

Yep - republican Congress !!|||The better question would be why do republican want to tie legislation to raising the debt ceiling, basically playing political games with our fragile economy. When Bush was doubling the national debt, and turning budget surplus's into budget deficits, the republican didn't say one word in opposition to raising the debt ceiling.|||Its more of the same, Reid has no plan but won't even allow debate or a vote on the plan presented.

Of course that is like obama, I've got no plan but I'll attack yours and blame you.

I guess that back room door is locked now they don't have total control of congress like they did a year or so ago.|||When "We The People", demand honest and straight forward answers from both sides of the isle, will we see the economy being to improve. Let's point our fingers at the core of the problem, and let's stop blaming one side or another. It's time that "We The People" begin to stand together, and send our elected officials, in every branch of government our message of unity. Than, and only than, will their ears open up. Good Luck !|||The democrats didn't touch a budget for the 2 years they had the majority. They left it for the republicans to clean up as they always do so they could blame the republicans.

Democrats are using the Cloward鈥揚iven strategy to a tee.|||Why would you think a 10 page bill with no specifics, calling for an amendment to the Constitution will pass? Just because it has the word balance in it?|||The GOP House just passed a symbolic piece of legislation for show only.

You folks do not even know what the "Cut" portion of the bill even said...

There were no specifics, but yet the Right just backs the GOP blindly...|||News Flash...This just in...Libs do NOT want less spending, they want more....with accompanying higher taxes.|||Because they are both smart enough to realize that the garbage Republicans call a bill would do far more harm than good|||They hate America, it is the plan, and it is working so far.

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