Thursday, February 2, 2012

What has Obama really actually accomplished this year?

I am starting to see a little truth in the SNAL skit two weeks ago on Obama. I am a democrat, but I dont know about Obama.What has Obama really actually accomplished this year?not much, but he has been trying and political bargaining has been holding him down.|||If you're a Democrat, I'm the Prince of Persia.

Guess the Nobel Prize really ticked you off, eh?What has Obama really actually accomplished this year?He has archived one thing, that is Wall street is now under control. This is vital to our economy as well as the rest of the world.

Other than that, nothing really!!!!!!!!!!!|||He as accomplished nothing at all except for being the first black president that is all.What has Obama really actually accomplished this year?Well one thing he has done is open up stem cell research much better than anything W. did or ever would have done. He wheeled Dick Cheney out of the White House and that alone was some great house cleaning there, never can be too careful with them rodents. He got a date set to pull out of Iraq. He is moving us although slower than I like to a greener way of doing everything from cars to windmills. No not wind power cars like Glen Beck thinks. The stock market isn't bottoming out anymore. Its closing in the 9,000's like it was just after Bill left.

On a more positive note: He is rasing the blood pressure of Rush Limbaugh. He did get Rush to wear black now, and really when was the last time you saw something that big wearing black? Oh yeah space the final frontier. In his State of the Union address the SC rep who yelled out "You lie"! I mean everone knows now how bad South Carolina's education system is for people you have terets. Maybe this dude should be yelling that to his Govenor.

I mean come on its only been 10 months to repair 8 years of a spoiled rich kid cowboy running things. I say we give him til half time at 2 years to give him a hard report card.

Ever since the days of Regean the public has this dumb idea of instant gratification. Its just not possible! Think in cooking terms: Microwaving is ok if you want something to taste ok. Now spend time in the kitchen and do it right with set times and cooking times and you got a great meal.|||He won the peace prize while managing two wars, now that is an accomplishment..|||he's proposed many good bills and ideas. However, while none of them have been passed, it remains to be seen whether that is because of a lack of resolve on his part of of the stubborness of the GOP and it's refusal to cooperate.|||Pretty much nothing. Of course, I am a Conservative so...personally, I am happy about that. If you are a Lberal Democrat then I can understand your frustration (however wrong I may think that you are). A couple more months and it will be campaign, good.|||If your a Dem he parted The Red Sea, but he has done nothing good yet,|||He had the Nobel Peace Prize handed to him for nothing.

But then again, the Nobel Peace Prize isnt what it once was. Look at the list of recent winners, Al Gore for instance.

Those here crying that the GOP is blocking him from doing anything dont know poop about politics. The Democrats currently hold such a majority in congress that the republicans cant possibly block them from doing anything. The only thing stopping democrats from passing all of the legislation they want is their own incompetence.|||He won the Nobel peace prize.

I'm going to be patient and see what he does it's only been 8 months. You can't have everything you want immidiatley.|||He had a white man sit down with a black man-so they could drink a beer and talk. . .He apologized repeatedly for America's actions.. .He pissed off Israel. . .he keeps picking inept people to office. . .etc.|||He received the Nobel Peace prize. That's all he has accomplished this year.|||After promising us change in His campaign, We put our hope in Him. He has been working very hard. and those of us have trusted in Him have been given no reason to to doubt that He will make the world a better place. if the Republicans would just get out of the way...

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