Sunday, February 5, 2012

What exactly is it that makes Barak Obama such a superior candidate ?

I have been thinking about this for a while now, what is it that anoints Barak Obama as our perfect soultion ?

Could it be genetics ?

Could it be that he is the first honest candidate since JFK ?

Could it be that Barak Obama is God's way of giving America a 2nd chance for how Preident Gore was wronged and now its pay back....

Your thoughts ?What exactly is it that makes Barak Obama such a superior candidate ?You are a brave soul for asking this question.

You will be accused of drinking massive amounts of kool aid.

We need to get this country out the toilet and Obama is the candidate that can get us back on track.

I will vote of Obama we cannot afford nor handle four years of McBush.|||No , but who let you slip out of Security at the asylumWhat exactly is it that makes Barak Obama such a superior candidate ?My thoughts are, I think you are blinded by the obama light and can't see or except the truth when it is right in front of you. Well, you did ask what my thoughts were.|||The only thing we know for sure about O B is that he said he WILL RAISE TAXES.. He is a talker and very very glib. But from there that is where it ends. MARK THIS, if he gets into office we will have the worst four years you will ever see. He has to raise big taxes to pay for all the free things he wants to give us. Who in the H--- do you think has to pay for those F R E E bies.... Nothing is Free except the air we breath. Make it on your own never depend on anybody else to make it for you. I would be ashamed to ask the gov't for free anythiing. Then your taxes would go up and up and up. The more free the more cost..

WAKE UP YOU LIBERALS AND BEGIN THINKING FOR YOURSELVES INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO OTHER DUMBIES.....What exactly is it that makes Barak Obama such a superior candidate ?don't you mean inferior?

his racism

his unpatriot attitude, won't wear flag pin or salute the flag

his inexperience

his willingness to negotiate with terrorists

his hypocracy over denying rev wright %26amp; his 20 years of this religion|||Not genetics...Don't go there!!!!

Not honesty...Just look under his political bus!!!!

Not God...God is Truth, and well, we now realize that the only "Change" Mr. Obama is proposing is the "Hope" that voters are not paying attention to all his flip flops!

Holy Mackerel! ( I did not really say this?)

Al Gore wants to give us 7.00 a gallon gasoline. Thank Goodness we have put this nonsense off as long as we have.|||No, its not all that.

He's running against mcLAME. Unless McCain gets a dynamic VP, he doesn't stand a chance against a dude like Obama|||The way he has made politics exciting for the first time in 32 years for me. I am 56yr white female who thinks he has all the smarts. Look at the way he has handled his campaign, how much money he has raised, through the people, not through lobbiest and special interest groups.

He has got young people involved like never before. We are seeing history made here, I hope everyone can see through their prejudice, let go of the past, and get on with the new.

GO OBAMA!!!|||Any person other than Bush or his clone McCain is superior.|||I don't understand what is so exciting about watching a country leaving behind everything that has made us great to socialism and nationalism which is not American, and to me, is the death of a country.

obama's candidacy is anything but honest if you look at the facts and he doesn't believe in God if you look at his answers to the questions he has been asked and are publicized.|||The only thing that Obama's supporters "see" in him is that they hate Bush so much that they would vote for a homeless heroin addict who hadn't bathed in three years if it gets rid of Bush.

All he would have to do is read speeches from a teleprompter in front of crowds that had been herded into large arenas on college campuses with the promise of rock musicians to hear somebody bash Bush and Cheney and talk about "bringing the troops home," "taxing the rich" and how terrible America is.

We'll forgive your college loans and give you free health care.

Yay! Your life will be free!

You can spend your money on fun stuff.

Just elect the guy who hates Bush as much as you do.|||He is not of one race, he's smart, attractive, well spoken, polite, politically astute, fresh faced, different in appearance, age and style. He came to us after Bush messed up royally. It's several things converging to make him a better candidate than the others.
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