Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is anyone aware that Obama and Mccain are not the only to presidential candidates?

Charles Baldwin, Robert Barr, Cynthia Mckinney and Ralph Nader, are also running, but of course the media gives them virtually no attention because they are not part of the two major Political parties Republican and Democarat...just wondering is anyone planning on voting for one of the other candidates besides Obama and Mccain?Is anyone aware that Obama and Mccain are not the only to presidential candidates?Yes. I'm aware. So what? The other candidates are just attention seekers with unrealistic agendas. They remind me of Ashley Todd minus the self mutilation. See…|||Absolutely, and as a Green I plan to vote for McKinney/Clemente . . . primarily because this nation's electoral system is so unfair to the other candidates and we need a variety of voices and opinions in this magnitude of race.

We need IRV and we need an independent debate process that isn't run by the Dems and Reps, sponsored by the major corporations of course.

(1st Dem primary debated sponsored by Clean Coal).

Two friends on this YA plan to vote for Nader.

BTW, Nader was NOT the cause of anyone's loss . . . or Bush's win. 350,000 Democrats who voted for Bush in FL alone were the cause. Get your myths straight buddy.Is anyone aware that Obama and Mccain are not the only to presidential candidates?I'd love to see more parties active in America. This last 80 to 100 years has been under a two party system which our founding fathers were trying to avoid. But besides Ron Paul no one else has any credibility in the election.

The American mindset will need to shift to open up the opportunity for other parties, right now Americans are only wanting to place a vote that counts and a Ron Paul or Ralph Nader vote although noble is ineffective.|||Yep. Since Obama nor Mccain best represent my beliefs and thoughts on current issues I will not vote for them. Mike Gravel was the best candidate for me unfortunately he stepped down. Then I was not going to vote in this election but since I always hear people saying, "If you don't vote, you can't complain about the elected president," so now I am voting for Ralph Nader since he is the next candidate that represents me the best.Is anyone aware that Obama and Mccain are not the only to presidential candidates?I knew all 6 of them were running but the media dwoesnt advertise them because our nation is a democratic republican nation. Consedering the fact that i cnt vote yet, i dont plan on voting 4 ny of them. And another thing isnt it amazing a black woman is running You know what half of you people are the rudest people, the reason that there are other canidates on the ballot is because this a a democratic nation, and every1 has the right to represent there party, now just because there 3rd parties doesnt mena they dont matter, look up their views and then decide wheher you dont want to vote for them.|||Why are these other candidates even on the ballot? Isn't this a majority presidency? These guys won't even get enough votes to make a dent except screw one of the main candidates some points and maybe the election! I never got that part of the election. These other parties are small and no one even cares to be a liberatarian, etc.|||Yes, I did know. And, maybe, next time, they will even be allowed to be in the debates so people will get to know them and decide whether or not they offer something better than the two major party candidates do. Of course that is a big 'dream on' statement, the media will never go for that.|||If Nadar takes the democrat vote and Bar takes the republican votes. God it would be in interesting race. If everyone who is not pleased with our two choices picked someone else, are vote would not be throw away. I haven't heard so much displeasure with the two candidates as I have this year.

I am not voting for Obama or McCain.|||what is this- Ralph Nader's 57th time running for office? they should all just give it up. They're all entitled to run and people are entitled to vote for who they want to, but i don't see the point. No 3rd party candidate will ever win|||I am aware of them and btw there are others as well. However to vote for any of those is to simply throw your vote away as the lesser political parties have virtually zero chance of being successful. |||Obama will definitely be elected and unless you are one of the "battleground" states, a vote for McCain is a wasted vote.

I chose "none of the above" here's my picture of it.…|||nader been running since the dawn of time.

i've personal only voted third party once...and that was for ross perot back in 1992.

who knows maybe this year i just might vote for nader.|||I am aware that there are 3rd party candidates, and no I will not be voting 3rd party.|||After Ralph Nadar in 2000 I hate 3rd Party Candidates and I will NEVER vote for that slime bag.

He is part of the reason that Bush got elected.|||nader is just a republican puppet who eats up critical independent voters who would otherwise vote for the democrats|||Yes, but it's the Democrats and Republicans who hold power in this country.|||Yes but I'm voting for McCain just to keep Obama out of the white house.|||I did know that the ones you mentioned were running!

But my vote goes to Obama|||I am aware that the other ones don't matter.|||Write in Joseph Stalin!|||no i had no idea

|||nope, no 3rd parties for me

|||ya but independents stand a better chance next term maybe|||Tom Knapp is too, but he looks like a Rapist.|||To be honest no i did not. I kinda figured there was another what is his/ her names? and how many others are their?

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