I'm just curious. A little over a year ago, I choose to do business with any business i chose to do business with.
Now, Barrack Hussein Obama is going to force me to buy healthcare just to live in the United States without being fined.
Is that what liberty is suppose to be?Liberals: Are you happy Obama is going to force you to buy a product from a corporation?Considering that those companies will no longer be able to use death panels to deny care, most will be, but there are going to be those who are not.
FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1]
FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2]
FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3]
FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4]
FACT - Obama was elected to bring in change [5]
FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6]
FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7]
Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.|||Considering that the health care legislation that was passed doesn't even particularly resemble what "liberals" were fighting for, I don't really see the point of your question. I certainly don't see the point of you asking liberals only. It's like you blindly assume that people who are predominately liberal are going to automatically agree with the President. That's totally disconnected from reality.
Nah, I'm not really all that happy about it. I was hoping for a much better plan, but Republicans pretty much blocked the possibility of that happening at every turn, so we ended up with the creaky, half-busted compromise that was mostly written by the insurance companies. So what's your point? Republicans ushered most of the text of this bill into existence, then denied responsibility when the administration started supporting it.
Let me ask you: Are you happy with it? It was crafted by Republican congressmen and their masters at the insurance companies.Liberals: Are you happy Obama is going to force you to buy a product from a corporation?No, this was a Neocon Republican/Blue Dog dem suggestion.
You're right - it's unconstitutional to force people to buy from private companies (except in the case of car insurance apparently).
You guys forced this in, and NOW you are going to use that as the basis for Constitutional challenges aren't you?
Very transparent and honest.|||Well considering it is healthcare, we were "forced" to buy it before. After all, the only other alternative to avoiding it is to pay the exorbitant bills whenever you get seriously sick (some of which are greater than the average person's lifetime wage). The problem is not universal healthcare; that can only be positive for society. Its that insurance companies had a say in constructing the bill. And since people will now be paying indirectly for the service, they will not be as accountable for the money. This means the government will be the enforcer of effeciency, which can only be good for a very short while.
By the way, we are already forced to pay for car insurance.Liberals: Are you happy Obama is going to force you to buy a product from a corporation?Okay... for those of you who still cling to the dumb argument that we are 'required' to buy car insurance... here is the answer once and FOR ALL !!!
One.. you do NOT have to own a car.
Two.. if you borrow money to buy a car the bank is going to force you to buy insurance to protect their collateral. It is not your car until it is paid for in full.
Three.. if you own your car free and clear the only insurance that you are REQUIRED to buy is liability insurance that protects OTHER people from your negligence. If you own your car outright, you don't have to carry collision on it.
So.... if all I have to do is to buy health care coverage that protects YOU in case I break YOUR leg, fine. I guess that type of insurance should cost about $0.44 cents a month at most.|||1. Nobody is forcing me to do anything - I already choose to have health insurance
2. Obama is not - congress is
3. This is a long term Republican policy, I don't remember the same level of offense coming from Conservatives when it was put forward by Nixon, Tommy Thompson, Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, Milton Friedman and the Heritage Foundation in the past.|||You're already being forced to buy car insurance.
Why not protest about that. After all, if you want to pay thousands of dollars to fix your car, you should be able to, right? Health insurance is somewhat similar. People who have no insurance will usually end up paying an arm and leg to visit a doctor.|||How else are we going to force the healthcare companies to be ethically and economically reasonable? Maybe through a public option for healthcare? OH NO, that's just too much isn't it?
(insert random profanities here)|||Apparently big business is cherry if the government's big, gross, sweaty stank have been all over it.|||Yes. It's not about corporations, it's about force.
No liberal believes herself competent to run her own life. They all CRAVE being owned by someone who will prevent them making a choice.|||Thats a myth.|||So when you go grocery shopping, is anyone "forcing" you to buy anything against your will?
EDIT: Wow. Two questions and I still get thumbs down for pointing out the obvious...%26gt;shakes head%26lt;|||Stop listening to the fatheads on FAUX ... !|||Yeah, I'm glad I don't have to subsidize you any more.
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