Thursday, February 9, 2012

How would you assess Barack Obama's first year in office? How far has he gone in meeting your expectations?

US President Barack Obama was elected by a landslide and brought hope to millions not only in America but around the world with his promise of genuine change. How would you assess his first year in office? Has he met your expectations?How would you assess Barack Obama's first year in office? How far has he gone in meeting your expectations?1. I voted for him

2. I only did so because McCain had minimal hope of improving things

3. He has failed miserably, and that has completely met my expectations - yes, that's right. He has done pretty much what I expected -fail to make good on any promises, and make everything he touches worse.

I expected that. And I expected that after he's done, the battered, angry population will understand that there is no free lunch. That the only way out of this mess is through sacrifice, hard work, and self-sufficiency. They will clamor for a President who will reverse all these socialist policies, put a bullet into the entire sham of a financial/investing system we have in this country, pare back taxes, and just let everyone bear the pain that it will take to dig out. The nation will finally realize that there is no "new deal". You can't fix things by just handing out money. It didn't work for Roosevelt, and it won't work now.


1. Iraq and Afghanistan - remember Iraq? Funny how nobody talks about "bring the troops home now!" anymore, like they did under Bush. What happened to that? There has been zero progress made toward an end strategy or toward getting out of there. In fact, Obama never even talks about it, and it is the single largest drain on our economic, emotional, psychological, and military resources.

Grade: F

2. The economy - He handed my tax money to the corrupt, slacking car manufacturers, who made overpriced, gas-guzzling junk for a decade. Through the cash/clunkers rip-off, he REWARDED their bad behavior with a pile of free money. He handed my tax money to the corrupt investment banks, financial advisors, and real estate brokers who bankrupted our economy with bad loans and absurd speculation. He has done nothing to tighten up securities fraud or monoplies. Now ALL of us owe another $800 billion. He is outright lying about how all this money is helping the economy. This economy lost 4 million jobs in his first year in office. Stop preaching this nonsense about jobs "Created of saved". Bull. Those numbers are impossible to assess. The economy's rate of job loss has done nothing but get worse.

Grade: F

3. Openness, honesty, transparency - He has relentlessly tried to sneak a bizarre, undefined list of possible health care plans into law. When confronted about his promise to show all of the plans and their discussion openly on C-SPAN, he, and his cronies like Nancy Pelosi smile and laugh about it as though "that promise was just a joke... surely you didn't expect us to really do that."

Grade: F

4. Global Warming - I think this is a crock anyway, but he believes in it... fine. Well, he has placed that monkey on the back of our economy, and our citizens, but at the international summit, he was a total failure at getting other nations to go along. In other words, he has put us at an enormous competitive disadvantage with the world by imposing these expenses on the U.S. while not getting our major competitors to follow suit. AND he instituted a cash/clunkers policy that rewarded people who bought gas-guzzling trucks to replace old gas-guzzling trucks, while ignoring anyone who bought a nice, efficient USED car, or anyone who traded up from an efficient car to a more efficient one. In short, he has pandered ... AGAIN.

Grade: F

5. Border protection, immigration, education, energy production -

He has done nothing. At least he hasn't really made these worse yet, so he doesn't get an F.

Grade: D

In the end, I think he is going to be hated even more than George W. Bush, and that's saying something. But he is well on his way.|||First, the most credible evidence shows that Obama (swt) was born in what is now part of Kenya, which makes him constitutionally ineligible to be President.

Second, he is actively socializing the auto, banking, and health care industries.

Third, he is actively requiring government approval of salaries in private companies.

Fourth, he is actively spending (or "earmarking" spending for) trillions of dollars which the U.S. does NOT have, thereby placing two or three generations of U.S. citizens in serious tax liability.

Fifth, he is actively fomenting economic policies (e.g., "Cap and Trade") which will raise prices, destroy what is left of the U.S. economy, and push the U.S. into a fourth-world status.

Sixth, he is actively promoting legislation to redistribute wealth in the U.S., thereby creating a socialist (or "Statist") country.

I could go on, but the above more than satisfies your "How would you assess Barack Obama's [(swt)] first year in office" request.How would you assess Barack Obama's first year in office? How far has he gone in meeting your expectations?His election was hardly a landslide and false hope is worst than no hope at all. Mr. Obama has been a miserable failure with his promises of change. His arrogance and megalomania has divided the nation. Mr. Obama has created massive debts with his payoffs and bribes to special interest groups. His foreign policy is laughable. His approach to terrorism and terrorist is wreck-less and needlessly endangers Americans and the nation. His incompetence as POTUS is glaring. Mr. Obama will prove to be a disaster to the Democrat party and the nation. Mr. Obama is an empty suit and a con man. The world loves him because he makes America and Americans look like weaklings and clowns.|||Obama had the hope of the people, but he screwed it up by not delivering on his promises.

His promises was based on his calculations tht he can deliver or it was just LIES TO GET THE PRESIDENCY.

With hindsight, it was clearly shown tht he was a puppet of the NWO, just as BUSH n earlier presidents. No need to spell out which ones.

Assumming, he knows he had been chosen by NWO, he could still do what is right, by setting his own agenda. A DEAD HERO IS PREFERRABLE TO A LIVING COWARD.

He could hv close down the FEDs immediately, terminating their decades of swindle.Just as he had borrowed from them to support the Banks, he could tell the Banks to do it themselves !!


IF HE IS SMART HE WILL IMMEDIATELY SUE THE FEDS FOR THE YEARS OF SWINDLE AND AWAIT THEIR OFFER FOR SETTLEMENT.How would you assess Barack Obama's first year in office? How far has he gone in meeting your expectations?As far as I am concerned, He has moved in one direction only, and that is backwards. There is no change at all. All he wants to do is push his political agenda. He does not listen to the people at all. He has no respect for the military. All he likes to do is give speeches that mean nothing. He is a great liar. Does that all the time. I have respect for the Office of the president, but none for him at all.|||I would not say he bought hope to millions as there are millions also who knew he was blowing in the wind. That election year was the worst in my memory and why his ineligibility to be president was not investigated earlier than after he was elected really concerns me. He has done nothing good for us, the main stream residents of America.|||It is too early to assess anything. You either agree with his decisions or you don't. If you have a brain and can think for yourself without a political agenda you probably have mixed feelings like I do. His biggest decisions to date are: economic stimulus, closing Guantanamo Bay, unsuccessfully, attempting to reform health care and his decisions regarding the war in Iraq and Afganistan.

The idea that he could single handedly invoke widepread change that would affect our daily lives is ludicrous. There are a host of other influences on our society that have far greater influence. As for expectations he has been in line with the left wing agenda as I suspected he would, so he has met my expectations, unfortunately.|||Its too early to assess President Barack Obama because he had taken over a mass of **** from Bush regime just a year ago. In fact I find that he had somehow saved many companies and people from bankruptcy. US needs many supporters. Obama alone can't do it.

Nobody can cope up with the problem in just a year. No one can make it, not even the GOD!|||Obama works very hard for the Americans. who can deny that? he works all alone to meet expectations. he has done his best. but the economy is really deep in trouble. The multi billionaires will get riches and the poor will be poorer. The big guys is out there almost controlling the economy, not Obama. The Capitalists will eventually win.|||When he first took office i didnt think it was promising but I was willing to give him a chance. Now I feel that he is a socialist extremist and tried to get away with as much as possible. Luckily the citizens of Mass realized this. By electing a republican into senate it now brings on a more balanced vote for policies. The dems cant do anything without revising it to be approved by republicans. This is good, this way we are one step closer to making everyone happy. Just like bush tried to get rid of some of the mess ups that clinton did but congress wouldnt let him, now we have an equal set of balances|||Much worse than my expectations but I knew it was too good to be true. Yeah, Health care Reform is not a bad idea. But he has given out billions-trillions of American Tax dollars to Failing companies. That stimulus Bill is helping us, sure, but it will be worth crap if his Tax and Trade Bill comes into effect. Once that happens, the counrty will become very, extremely poor, a 3rd world country.|||Obama brought false hope to millions...all his high falluting speeches based on lies....

So look what we have... I suggest people start to look a little closer than the fast talk and big smile, with every politician. It is our own fault.. we have let the shysters get into power and now we are going to have to band together to get them out.|||he has been an absolute failure. in every important aspect of governance as the POTUS he has shown himself without any backbone of conviction. he blows with whatever wind that is and his words are always conveniently used to deflect/deceive/defend. i would not trust him with a ten-foot pole.|||Yes he has met my expectations. Considering the fact that I didn't have any, it wasn't that hard. I think he's done exactly what I thought he was going to do. The promises seemed nice but not realistic. If he wants to get re-elected he needs to refocus and do something else.|||Pro Poor! Pro country. Its too early to assess President Barack Obama because its negative loss of the budget that bush regime given to his successor. How can you cope up with the problem? No one

can make it, even a Magician!|||The best president who rescued the world from disappointment . There are some of his own citizens criticized him but the rest of the world will and are appreciating him,,,,God Bless him....|||The preceding question should be, "How did obama 'fare'...", not 'fair'.|||President Obama's best friend is words and enemy is reality.|||He is a lying sack! He only cares about what he wants. He cant even figure out why his party lost yesterday. He only wants to blame Bush. I am going to more than happy to vote his *** out. Loser!|||HE IS THE BEST PRESIDENT.|||Dido to Paula's remark (see first comment.)|||He has surpassed my expectations,he is far worse than I ever imagined|||Pisss poor.|||First of all, i would like to say that i don't side any particular party..Obama scores 9 out of 10 for me..What America needs now is a president like him..Cane and whip all those old junks sitting up there wasting tax payers money by earning fat pay checks at the end of the month and warming their seats..Majority of them up there go to work to do nothing but and talk and talk from morning to evening for donkey years and do nothing but complain. When there is someone new tries to do something good, they argue and fight to make sure that person don't succeed.

The reason why so many oppose Obama is because if he succeeds and things improve finally, then it will backfire on those lazy junks who did nothing all these years. The republican has an hidden and ugly agenda to oppose because they wanted to win back again in the next elections. So they attack the democrats and try and gain back the position again.

But the public should understand and react based on what is good and needed for them. Imagine its not even easy to run our own family with only several members in the, food, savings, health and many issue..imagine how difficult is it to run the entire country with several hundred millions of people havings several hundreds of problems..Worst of all, all the people in the washington are divided in their opinion and not a single crappy old junks are aligned and synchronized in their thinking and actions.

When Bush Senior first went to war in Iraq, he had wiped out several hundred billions of dollars for an unnecessary war. The end results was the oil price moved from $30 dollars to more than $180 dollars per barrel at one period. Who suffered..? It was you and I and the rest of the world. Did the oil price drop back to $30 again?..No..Its at $80 now and we are paying higher for the gas. Then Bush Junior went for 2nd war and apparently made all the wrong judgements and killed several thousands of innocent people and soldiers thinking some jokers told them there is nuclear war heads and found nothing. Later he admit he was wrong. God...!

People wanted a change and so they elected Obama to implement those changes. When change is coming, now we dont want those changes..The banks cheated millions of people by robbing our money and their CEOs earn millions of dollars in bonuses using taxpayers money. Its about time somebody teach a good lesson for the banks and we need someone like obama to cane them. Not those old junks who do nothing but talk. Health we want to continue paying higher fees in the future?.

We should always look at long term gains that are targetted to improve our lifes in the future. Just about a year ago, the situation was dire and the goverment's quick action had managed to stall and reversed the trend. Majority of the companies beginning to earn profits now after those changes.

We should support the government and implemented the changes asap for the benefit of everyone and move on from there instead of just complain,complain and complain and oppose every changes that is being proposed. If the changes does not gets implemented, we will be heading for another major recession which will cause a major catastrophy for everyone. We will end up losing our jobs and America will lose the status of world's biggest economy. That China is already on its way overtake Japan to become the 2nd biggest economy latest by end of this year or early next year.

You choose the options....To become better or worse.

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