Sunday, February 5, 2012

How had President Barrack Obama contributed to the country?

I know Pres. Barrack Obama has contributed to the country by doing many things. Health care, etc. So, can you list the greatest contributions he has done so fare for our country? Hurry!How had President Barrack Obama contributed to the country?he's contributed to the decline and possible fall... that's about it.

btw, healthcare, etc, hasn't passed and like most of his promisses, never wil come to fruition.

he's also made stuttering a new olympic sport. he stutters as bad as mel tillis and can't sing.|||he's a lying, racist criminal and a delusional, narcissistic marxist who thinks the constitution is a fundamentally flawed document, even going on record as such, yet takes an oath the support, uphold and defend it. he needs to be impeached and deported.

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How had President Barrack Obama contributed to the country?His greatest contribution to date is tripling the nation debt, thanks Barry.|||His $787B stimulus package put 5 guys to work for a week building that new b-ball court at the White House.How had President Barrack Obama contributed to the country?Instill a great sense of African-American pride, which has led many people of minorities to believe that they have a chance at success|||Stock in teleprompter companies just went sky high... other than that, he has done nothing of note!|||He hasn't done anything and if doesn't stop what he's doing then he will destroy our great country.|||sending the wife %26amp; kiddies mall jammin|||He has done nothing at all. What country do you live in?|||Is it our job to inform those who ignore what's happening?

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