Sunday, February 5, 2012

How do you rate President Obama's job performance so far? What do you applaud and what do you disapprove of?

If possible, be specific; for example, one might award Obama an A- for his national security work but he may receive a D for his government reform. Thanks so much for contributing.How do you rate President Obama's job performance so far? What do you applaud and what do you disapprove of?I would give him a C for his diplomatic work, a D for his national security policy (largely due to his naive stance on the issue and for his release of intelligence records to the public), a D- for his economic reform, a D- for his gov't reform, a B for his Cabinet appointments, a B- for his work with civil rights and related law reform, a D for his Supreme Court Judge selection, and a C for our image as a nation in the world theater. As he has been in the office for such a short time, that's about all I can rate so far. Overall, I would give him a C as the President.|||Making us into a marxist toilet, spending trillions we do not have. F him he sucks a big moose wiener.How do you rate President Obama's job performance so far? What do you applaud and what do you disapprove of?I am going 5 thumbs down on this. Get this guy outta there and someone who can do this job into the saddle|||He gets an A for deceptive teleprompter coordination.How do you rate President Obama's job performance so far? What do you applaud and what do you disapprove of?I give him a D-. I'm sure he will destroy more before he is done.|||foreign policy--F

domestic policy--C|||I give him a D for not prosecuting to the fullest the people responsible for torture, and that includes any democrat as well.

A+ for everything else.|||pretty much 'F" across the board, except:

setting the white house on fire, or getting us nuked-i'd give him an 'incomplete' on that...2012 is still a ways off|||Bad.

Borrows .50 cents for every dollar spent

Budget increased by trillions

FED dollar printing at alarming rates

Nationalizing auto industry, next are credit cards, next is health care (taxing junk food is one option to pay!)

I'm paying the government to back up people who have mortgages they cannot pay and who live outside their means.... (as well as welfare queens)

Overtures to the Muslim world without mentioning discrimination of women and non-Muslims under Shariah law

Weak foreign policy, globalist and multiculturalist perspective - seems to enjoy sucking up to Islamic dictators and apologizing for America

Gives billions to Shariah law governments including Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Pakistan (where is the money coming from?)

Is alienating Israel and our other allies

Supported fairness doctrine (censorship!)


Lifted restrictions on stem cell research

He likes Broadway plays

Appears sincere (as opposed to actively wanting to destory the country)

He participated in the Easter Egg Roll

Master of shiny speeches

Really, that's about it.|||For me its been too soon, but he gets a A for effort.

He seems engaged in pubic policy, active in decision making.

Hes gotten a lot of flack for working to rebuild foreign relations, but they were in the crapper after Bush so its good to see.

He gets a B+ for that.

I think hes spending a bit much, but I keep getting this feeling that if he weren't we would be much worse off, and for longer, so even if I don't like it, it may be necessary. A B on economics.

As far as national security goes I'm not seeing any great changes, and I didn't like the previous administrations ideas so I don't like this ones either. A gentlemans C on that.

You can't really reform government, behavior is up to the individual and those that are bent are bent under any administration.

I'd like to see some real changes in health care but it looks like hes going with a lesser plan of insurance still through insurance companies, and thats just doomed. Hes not considering single payer, and thats the only workable way to cut costs. D on that one.|||What was your school report like after 6 months.....I bet you knew everything there is to know about life.

On President Obama. The way he handled the that guy who messed up his lines at the inauguration shows me what a man enuff said. He's smart and will get America going again

A|||Where's all the support and fuzzy love shown Obama last year? Where's the tears of joy and exuberance shown Inauguration Day last January? You got what I and wise others have all warned you of last year---a sly deceptive man who put on a great smoke and mirrors show.

It's gonna be a LONG 4 years; pray he doesn't get another presidential term.

He's cheapened the Presidential office with his "style" and "flair". The "shining resonance" of his unique personality, lovingly embraced by his American supporters/voters is seen by global leaders as something meriting disrespect; these guys expect to see a wise, firm and strong leader---NOT a showman.

Most all his Cabinet choices have been exposed as crooked tax cheats and "savvy" unethical elected officials; that alone hints at Obama's character---but his voters all failed to really look at that, now did they?

Obama's media cover-up team, so far, have done well to wriggle him out of responsibility for the AIG/"bailout" scandal and the Air Force One debacle. So much for "corporate accountability"--oh...and now: GM falls on the sword---but they vow to make it so at OUR expense. Good luck with that threat, Mr. McPresident.

Obama has NOT EVEN BEGUN to make a single epic effort to protect Americans from the robber barons of global stock market manipulators and Corporate America. Obama has embraced Pelosi's Democrat ideals that America should profit from working Americans to fund their Utopian dreams--set and primed to be a greater mess than Bush's Iraq "war". Expect more price gouging to run rampant from BOTH sources and with Obama's blessing.

America has to SELL MORE to global markets than it currently BUYS from them. We have to accept facts that we HAVE NO CHOICE but to LOWER across the board living and market standards---meaning we have to work twice, maybe three times as much and has hard....but we can do it. It make sense this way---NOT plot out the next price gouging "tax increase". I'm NOT an economic expert---and I even know this fact!!

And until I see Obama lift fingers of effort to bring the needed relief for WORKING Americans from the rampant price gouging---the man gets a D-.

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