Sunday, February 12, 2012

How do they determine where to put golf holes each day?

I did not know that the holes are moved around in golf tournaments. Is this done all the time? How do they determine where to place it? What about the old holes - don't they get in the way? It seems to me that this is unfair to the players. When and why did they start this?How do they determine where to put golf holes each day?the holes get moved around in general on every golf course in order to keep the green from getting worn down in some places relative to others. To move a hole, they have a tool that takes out a plug of earth; they move that plug into the old hole where it will grow into the surrounding grass with time.

In tournaments, they move the holes daily to make the course more challenging, and usually save the really tough spots for the last day (parts of the green with odd breaks and/or difficult places to get into and stay, like parts behind traps or in front of water or whatever).How do they determine where to put golf holes each day?I didn't realize that they moved the holes, but another reason I can think of is that it makes the course a fresh challenge every day and keeps the golfers from using what they learned about that green the day before. It's the equivalent of musical instrument examinations where the musicians have to play music they've never seen before.

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