Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why are Obama supporters PANICKING to the point of going illegal?

Recently some Obama supporters hacked into Palin's email account. The worst part is that when the Secret Service asked the AP to turn over the emails they refused! It sounds like the AP is another liberal outlet!

So why are Obama supporters going the illegal route to try and win? Is it because they realize the McCain/Palin ticket is too strong to beat OR is it just a natural instinct for his supporters to cheat when things don't go their way? Why are Obama supporters PANICKING to the point of going illegal?Turns out it wasn't really a "hacker." Just some democrat senator's son who guessed on Palin's secret answers to get a new password for her personal email account on Yahoo.

It's a federal offense, so he'll probably do time unless his rich democrat daddy can swing a deal. Maybe Obama will help him since he did it to help Obama.

Oh, and if you didn't know, the AP is not only a liberal outlet, but the people who run it are pure socialists. Another biased news source.

and to "true patriot" - JFK was shot by a Marxist left wing nut. JFK wasn't liberal enough for the democrats so they had to take him out.|||Thanks for the votes.

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Why are Obama supporters PANICKING to the point of going illegal?it is pretty appalling, it makes the rest of us look like fools.|||They are dispicible people. All his supporters think lying, cheating, stealing, justifies electing Obama. Tell your friends to vote for McCain.Why are Obama supporters PANICKING to the point of going illegal?The article says "Hackers" broke into her have no idea who those Hackers were. For all you know, they might not even be voting.鈥?/a>|||Right. %26amp; Your proof that it was a Obama supporter...

Oh that's right .. notta.

Excuse me, wasn't a Republican that killed JFK and MLK.

Yeah, I thought so.|||So is our yahoo emails secure? |||I think those hackers went into Palin's e-mail account just because they could, or just wanted to instill panic on her part. At this point of time, Obama supporters should be the least paniced. He's currently leading McCain 48% to 46, according to Gallup.|||Are you sure it was a Democrat or is this another Republican lie and no one did anything. Do you have proof or are you parroting what was spoon fed to you?|||You act like it was some scheme the entire liberal community got together and decided on. It was probably just a couple of pimply faced high school kids who though they were cool.|||Obama is a Chicago politician.

Do the math.|||Too foxy to be democrats. Sounds more like paid republican supporters trying to discredit Obama. More like a Liddy move.|||Both of those are the answers I think.|||dems aren't smart enough to know how to hack an email account||| Which News organization told you that an Obama supporter done this. Why would we be Panicking, do you use that Computer for anything other than slander. Check out the polls, Panicking would just be stupid.|||Hacking is wrong. Whoever did it should be prosecuted period. What makes you think they were "Obama supporters"? Could have been just hackers....could have been McCain supporters trying to look like they were Obama supporters...

I am not sure why Obama's supporter's would be panicking since Obama is moving up and is ahead. dd|||There are millions upon millions of Obama supporters. Do you think we all hacked into Palin's email? I don't agree with that, and I don't approve either. I think it is disgusting that anyone did that. How dare you say that ALL obama supporters are doing illegal things. HOW DARE YOU!|||Why do you group half the country with the illegal actions of a few people. That's like saying all republicans support the actions of Timothy McVeigh. Ridiculous.|||Palin used email addresses such as "govsarah" and "govpalin" so how dumb is that?

Don't we know not to use easily identifiable addresses for our email addresses and screen names?

And the hackers have not been caught so how can you know that the hackers were Obama supporters? Talk about a rush to judgment! Anything to keep real issues from being discussed-like the economy-the war in Iraq/Afghanistan and pending war with Iran.鈥?/a>|||We've really got to watch out for Obamers, they get crazy. All that koolaid and haterade has them too hyped up.|||Because obama is their candidate.............DDLR, denial, deception, lies, and rhetoric, hard to fool a whole country when thats what your campaign is based on!|||Urban folks have no morality like us good old country boys|||OBAMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||In response to your Secret Service comment, journalists are supposed to protect their sources. Many have sat in jail in contempt of courts for not giving up their sources.

As far as the AP liberal outfit comment goes, that's just absurdity. It is vast and contributes to networks of all viewpoints.

"As of 2005, the AP's news is published and republished by more than 1,700 newspapers, in addition to more than 5,000 television and radio broadcasters. The cooperative's photograph library consists of more than 10 million images. It operates 243 news bureaus and serves 121 countries, with a diverse international staff drawing from all over the world."

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