McCain is a desperate man on a quest for the ultimate prize. That is why he and Palin are going after Obama, like dog on a bone. Desperate people do desperate things.What do you think Obama says McCain is out of ideas, out of touch and running out of time?i agree babe. this whole Ayers thing i think is their final hope. it a dumb thing to bring up when mccain has ties with one of the worst economic advisers at a time when we are in an economic crisis |||Well McCain has the right idea – have the small minded people think about other things like the lies then maybe they will forget about the things that make sense like jobs for the ones that are losing their homes and jobs – remember he was the one that wanted to quit campaigning – because he is unable to think about more than one thing at a time – as far as Obama hanging out with the guy that was a member of the weather underground – he is a professor and no one has proven to me that Obama knew about his past – and as far as Palin – lets not even go there – she’s just a joke and no one told her – why is she dead set against them investigating TROOPGATE – can we say Cheney I could go on but why – some people would rather be broke under McCain than prosper under Obama - What do you think Obama says McCain is out of ideas, out of touch and running out of time?True. However Obama is no better. He has lied and is a hypocrite. HE only denounced his racist church when he decided to run for president then and cut off his friendship with his pastor that he revered to as a "father figure and mentor" You don't attend a church for 20 years and then claim you didn't know the radical racist opinions of your pastor. If you are so out of touch that you didn't pick up on this then you don't need to be in a position that calls for you to make decisions on the welfare of an entire country!|||McCain is running negative. It suggests he's conceded that people aren't buying his positive package.
It's quite funny that a campaign would actually ANNOUNCE they are running negative though. Kinda gives the opponent a chance to get ready for you.…What do you think Obama says McCain is out of ideas, out of touch and running out of time?What do you think of Obama's racist comments from his book of dreams from my father ? Look for yourself page 15 of his preview and I quote
"When people dont know me well, black or white , discover my background ( and its usually a discovery , for I ceased to advertise my mothers race at the age of twelve or thirteen , when I began to suspect
that by doing so I was intergrating my self to white people ),
his words not mine
my real question is are you ready for segregation if he is in fear of integration ?
Nobama he can keep the change |||Out of ideas? Ya, you're right! This is McCain's first rodeo and has no clue what he's doing?! (what an idiot Obama is) you too!
He is playing the desperation card because he knows he's in trouble. Thank you to Hillary for bringing this up back in the primaries. Now we can hammer Obama to the wall and throw darts at his anti-American A$$
Do you honestly think that the patriotic citizens of America are gonna just let this go? GET REAL|||McCain's twenty six years in the senate made him think he could be President, because he was looking at the Bushes and Reagan, and said if they can do it, anyone can. But he is stuck in the past, he is old and time is running out for him. He is a very, very sick man mentally.|||i absolutely agree with obama. republicans have realized that obama is going to win this election, so they are going as low as they possibly can. then again, nothing is too low for the republican party. good thing they will be greatly outnumbered by democrats in a few decades or maybe less. |||Does that justify the lies they tell. Does wanting to win mean so much that you would do anything and say anything to anyone at any place and time just to win.
These church going people seem to have forgotten the meaning of the ninth commandment. That little one about thou shalt not bear false witness. Yet, McCain / Palin have done it with a smile.
1 - Palin has lied about her role as governor in Alaska and mislead or directly lied to America during her acceptance speech.……
2 - Palin has not been given access by the press. She has only given three private hand picked interviews and her answers on the economy and foreign affairs are chilling.…
3 - McCain two weeks ago when the financial crisis began told America tht the "fundamentals of our economy were strong"; later that afternoon he attempted to define "fundamentals" as meaning people. On Tuesday McCain said that he is against the bailout of AIG and would not allow it. On Wednesday after its approval McCain said it had to be done. Then Thursday morning McCain received a phone call from Obama offering to make a joint statement about the crisis on their common principals. McCain didn't return that call until 2:30 in the afternoon. At 2:35 McCain gave a press conference to annouce that he directed his campaign to contact the Obama campaign to make a joint statement on the economy and that he was suspending his campaign to return to Washington and lead the passing of the bailout bill. He attempted to undercut Obama by making the joint statement appear to be is idea, unaware that the Obama campiagn had already distributed an email to the media about there intentions shortly after the phone call. McCain went to Washington when a tentative deal had been reached for passage of the bill. McCain met with his republican house members and an hour later the deal was busted. McCain and Obama were then invited to the White House to discuss the bailout. It was reported that McCain was noticeably quiet and that Obama asked questions and made comments to the Treasury secretary.…
McCain accused Obama of "phoning in" his leadership and said that he would not do that as a leader. Yet, we now learn that in fact what he did was go to Washington after the debate and got on the phone the whole weekend. He told us he met face to face with republicans.………
Palin Goes Against McCain In Bringing Up Wright…
Katie Couric Talks Palin Interview: "We Gave Her A Lot Of Opportunities"…
McCain's Erratic Health Strategy: Now He's Slashing Medicare…|||He also voted for the sellout bill! You must be so proud! It amazes me that people would vote for either one after that bill passed. It just shows how ignorant and greedy this country is becoming. Nobody gives a damn what the politicians do as long as they get their palms greased. 3rd party 08 the other major parties sold your @ss!|||Desperate? It's Obama is who is spending loads and loads of cash campaigning. That sounds desperate to me. They may seem like "attacks" to a guilty person, but it's just the truth.
And what do you think you are doing? YOU are the one speaking of pure **** yourself.|||Up until now, Obama hasn't had much competition. He has a lot of issues with his associations and his history that have yet to be vetted.
Amazing how much effort was put into vetting Palin while Obama, aka Barry Soetro has had relatively no vetting at all.|||The media has had almost a year to bring these things to light and havent. Someones gotta do the job or Americans are in for a big surprise on Jan 20th when we will all have to down down to Tzar Obama.|||Obama is shamless liar, not to be trusted.
He also pals with terrorists, embezzlers, and America-haters. He must be exposed.
Go John McCain / Sarah Palin fully expose him.|||Because Barack Hussein Obama doesn't have a defensive stratagy.
Up until now Barack hussein Obama has been on the offensive, lie lie lie flip flop flip flop.|||It's over for the old coot and his fluffy bunny. Their ideas are as ancient as the dinosaurs that were supposedly around 4000 years ago.|||He says it, because mccain is running out of ideas, out of touch and running out of time
OBAMA/BIDEN 08|||Don't get all worked up. All this is typical of every presidential campaign. In fact, I'd say there is actually less mudslinging than usual. |||Desperation is the battle cry of the loser. Bye-bye, McCain. Palin... we won't hear from her again until she poses for Playboy.|||it is just a lie and you should really look at the facts all the things mccain is sayin is facts
|||because Obama thinks he is the WINNER already.|||Time for Obama to be fully vetted.|||Projection doesn't just happen in a movie theater.|||No, desperate people invoke the children and teach them chants.|||What examples do you have exactly? Desperate people make up desperate lies, like you!|||You are right..they have no other way to come at him so they make up what ever they can...Mcfake and his partner can not be trusted.|||New poll in virginia Obama + 12|||Obama is right and McCain is wrong |||Obama makes up things...words...just words...delivered by an empty|||I heard Obama say that on the radio today (the headline of your question).
I thought it was quite a good line - given that a speechwriter probably wrote it. But not bad.|||He said that because he couldn't think of anything intelligent or meaningful to say.
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