Thursday, February 2, 2012

If Obama had acted very aggressively in responding to the BP spill, how would conservatives have responded?

Suppose that Obama had IMMEDIATELY wrested control of the situation from BP, deployed the National Guard and the Navy, and had IMMEDIATELY had the federal government take over management of the spill.

Would conservatives have said, "Good job Obama! You're finally acting like a strong leader?"

Or would they have treated his aggressive response as further evidence of his alleged "socialism"?If Obama had acted very aggressively in responding to the BP spill, how would conservatives have responded?"Violent black President threatens innocent white CEOs because he hates capitalism and wants to take their companies over, just like Mao."|||BIG GOVERNMENT!

Nothing will matter, any way he acts they will complain. It is plain as day. It was the same with Clinton, even though he did good things fro our economy.If Obama had acted very aggressively in responding to the BP spill, how would conservatives have responded?He's a socialist!

He's ruining our country!

We need to stop him!

We're scared!

The sky is falling!

This is one uppity black man!

Who does he think he is?|||It would go like this:

Conservative: Socialism!!!!

Scientist: Sir, that doesn't even make...

Conservative: SOCIALISM!!!

BP: You're just being...

Conservative: SOCIALISM!!!

Obama: Explain how this is socialism

Conservative: Uh....Uh....SOCIALISM!!!!If Obama had acted very aggressively in responding to the BP spill, how would conservatives have responded?They would have wanted him to stop acting like a dictator and let the company take care of itself, obviously it can't because they knew they had problems on the Rig and have had wayyy more oil spills than any other company in recent history.|||Geez! NO! That is not what anyone is asking for. No one that I know of wants the government to take control of the clean up operations.

We want the government to give the company every opportunity to clean up the mess. That means lifting restrictions and granting permits and possibly being the laison and accepting help from other countries who have offered. In addition, it would be nice if Obama would knock off the nasty rhetoric and politicizing. That isnt helping anything|||You know Reps would be screaming socialism, however if Reps would be in charged they would have given BP a tax break which is their solution to all the problems.|||They would not say anything except Obama is getting tough with a Private Companies they would be furious If their Stocks happen to go down.|||I would have said great job, Barry.

Instead he failed at one the ACTUAL functions of the government|||You know perfectly well how they would have reacted. They're doing it right now - I've already read the tinfoil hat guys saying the explosion was INTENTIONAL so that Obama could "take over and nationalize oil". These guys are NUTS.

OhMyGOD that's funny! You really have to give Best Answer to "Exile" -- I can't top that.|||He HAS acted very aggressively to PREVENT the usual measures being done.

THAT's what our complaint is.

Had you been a conscious being, you'd know that.|||Yes. America is supposed to come together in time of crisis like right after 9/11. Obama NEVER stops playing partisan politics though.|||This is a confusing issue for "govt too big conservatives". Part of them wants to say that the feds should not intervene. That's because of this recent libertarian push by the over-played and over publicized Tea Party. And then again, some don't want to be caught citing Obama's bashfulness in taking charge of this debacle. Notice that libertarians have been quiet as church mice on this issue.

When the private industry craps the bed, as in this gulf spill, we all smell it.|||They would have said he acted too quickly and should have given BP a chance to stop the leak and he used BIG GOVERNMENT on a private corporation|||Well, our view would be that we need oil and we need to keep drilling. Not only that, but we should be drilling in more places.

Should the Pres immediately take over the situation? Well, I remember when it one knew how big this was going to get. So it would be silly to do that the same day...or even the same week.

I think he should treat it as we treat all accidents: fix the current problem, find out what happen, put in policies that will help avoid future accidents...while we continue to drill (and I mean all drilling...even the new oil wells that they are trying to get set up). We don't curl up in a ball when there is a accident...we have to keep moving forward by drilling for more oil until we can find an alternate energy source.|||He did. Remember, he sent SWAT teams to all offshore oil rigs?

And I would say what I have said from the beginning.

This oil spill never should have happened in the first place. It did not happen while Bush was in office, and that was not just luck.

And there is no excuse for letting the oil gush unimpeded for one full month before even attempting to stop it or reduce it. NONE.|||This is the height of mental illness.

To blame conservatives for the presidents inaction because of a fantasy hypothetical.

Amazing.|||In the beginning of this disaster, it appeared obama was reacting appropriately and I said so to a number of questions relating to it. But now 60 plus days later, the coast lines of LA, MS, AL and soon to be FL covered with globs of oil, the entire ecosystem of the Gulf coast threatened and the lively hoods of thousands of people ruined I do not feel the same.

It IS the job of the Government to protect its people and the land, that is NOT big government, that is government doing what they are supposed to.|||I would rather that he accepted the help offered from 13 countries beginning on day three of the spill. Then the damage wold not be nearly as far reaching as it is now.

I do not think anyone can argue that point.|||I'll bet the conservatives would get really quiet and rational, then calmly debate the merits of President Obama's actions... Or barring that they would go completely fecking hysterical and start hooting and hollering about Obama's "government take over" of the ocean...
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