Sunday, February 5, 2012

How many more times must Obama violate the US Constitution before he is impeached?

This is response to Vengful_Hip's answer that Obama is not a socialist. How absurd to ignore his left wing radical agenda and his "redistribution of wealth" and contend that he isn't a socialist. He was rated the most liberal in the US Senate and he is the most left-leaning president this country has ever had.How many more times must Obama violate the US Constitution before he is impeached?The Senate impeaches the President.

The Democrats control the Senate.

Democrats don't care at all about our Constitution.

Don't hold your breath waiting...|||In response to Kevin C, Bush 43 definitely was not the most right-winged president we've ever had. In my lifetime, I'd say that would be Ronald Reagan. But in today's political climate, I'd say that even Reagan might have trouble getting things done, because liberals in congress cry and whine until they get what they want. Conservatives stand by and do nothing. People like that; since they (liberals) are (or seem to) take a stand on principal, and don't back down. The other side (conservatives) is guilty of not having been strong enough and principled enough to say "shut up and sit down" (and mean it). Now, it is too late.

Who won the American Revolution; the American militia (liberals) shooting from behind trees, bushes, and rocks, or the gentlemanly British (conservatives) who marched right into ambush after ambush?How many more times must Obama violate the US Constitution before he is impeached?Seeing as how the Democrats currently control both house of Congress, the only possible answer to your question is either, 'An unlimited number of times' or, 'He hasn't violated it'.

Additionally, there comes to mind the matter of: When will he be impeached? Answer: The second Tuesday of next week, or next February 30th!

Please, don't hold your breath waiting for the Democrats to abandon him, they still support Teddy Kennedy, even after Chappaquidick!|||all good when the right wing president can go out and violate civil liberties under the guise of defending the united states.. all right for a president to send people over that get physically KILLED in a country that had nothing to do with harming the country which was what he wanted everyone to believe.

Right Wing - Death Count over 4000+... Left wing death count... -0- let see, I would rather live in a country where the people in power actually cared about the people in the country and did not send them off to die, than being apar tof a country where the president sent people to die because of a grudge and led them there under misconceptions.

Righties whine all you want, you had 8 years and wehre did it lead us. Worst economy in 70 years. 4000+ military deaths in a region that we should not have been in at all. 4000+ miltary deaths based upon falty intel and lies. The most incompetent recovery effort of a region blasted bya hurricane in known hisotry. It should not take 2+ years to rebuild a city, but apparenlty the righties found a way to do it.

Yeah... lets talk about violating the constituion. Lets talk about enemy combatants, lets talk about turning the constituion into your own toilet paper and reading it like you want to.

When the shoes is on the other foot, doesn;t feel good huh? Well guess what, for the last 8 years Civil liberties, American Society, Truth, Justice, and the American way of life has been getting pounded in the rear. Hopefully int he next 4 years Obama can at least bring the pendulum more towards the center from the far right that it has been hanging.How many more times must Obama violate the US Constitution before he is impeached? never ceases to amaze me how clueless people are. you all got to read books about the roman catholic church. do yourselves the biggest favor to everyone and promote books that expose the whole structure of world politics .

read vatican assassins.

wake the **** up, people. obama is nobody to blame for anything. he's just protecting his family and himself from getting killed like what happened to the kennedys. you don't mess with the jesuit order and roman catholic church and its goal for world domination ruled by them and a web of secret societies and governmental organizations , all loyal to the black pope and white pope and the roman catholic church.

depopulation is happening all around us through war, starvation, suppressed technology, pharmecueticals, monsanto, codex alimentarius, ban on organic farming coming soon, total control of all raw materials and monetary currency.

wake the **** up before its too late. they will have no control over us if we finally all realize that religion is made up to control us. they used the infinite universal god against the masses a long time ago and still do it today. they just put a fear based story around god so people would be distracted by fear and do what they were told so someone could do all the work for the lazy rulers. its the same today.

nothing in this world happens by accident. its all by design. two religions fight eachother. guess who's controlling both? the roman catholic church. they are the ones who made up all the religions.

folks.,, you all got to stop freely giving your power away to evil people who are hell bent on killing over 5 billion of us.|||And you don't give a single example of his "violating the constitution".

Because there isn't one.

And the word "socialism" does not appear in the constitution.

And you would know that if you ever bothered to READ THE CONSTITUTION.

But you won't because they told you not to.|||lol

too funny and delusional....

you people really are funny.

Its not really hard at all to see that with citizens like you thinking this is some sort of game and bogged down by partisan divisiveness, why the country is going down the toilet.|||erm so far he hasn't made any mistakes but is trying to fix the old ones..I think most Reps are just bitter that a democrat got into office because I don't believe McCain would have done any better but have a resemblance to Bush.|||Yeah and look where the most right-handed president got us...

We are in need of the other side lol

Obama is a great president. His lowest approval rating is better than Bush's highest...

Everyone loves the guy... you should too :)|||The whole gang of thugs are allowing him to destroy our republic, our best bet would be to vote in a 3rd party but we still have acorn.|||America needs a good shaking up to turn it into a more efficient machine.

I know you all think its working well, but it ain't!|||I have a feeling it will be many more. He hasn't even touched the food industry or steel or oil.|||anyone who voted for him has the IQ of a sock.|||You're thinking about bush silly!|||6 more times should do it....

but u miss the part where he OWNS the senate!!!

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