Come one. You destroy our great nation and expect a new president to magically snap his fingers and fix your mistakes over night? Stuff like this takes time and President Obama is doing a WONDERFUL job.How do Republicans expect President Obama to fix and cure 8 years of GWB destruction in just 1 year in office?Try a little research before you write such an ill informed question. Bush had 18 quarters of growth, in spite of lower taxes, 2 major catastrophes, and 2 wars. He also had the lowest unemployment since the mid 80's. His economy was booming, and surpassed Clinton's economy easily.
Fast forward to 2006, when the democrats took over both houses, OPEC flexed their muscles, and speculators jumped on the band wagon, forcing the price of fuel to all time highs. While Bush suggested ways to relieve pain, democrats debated mylar balloons. While Bush tried to open drilling and make us energy independent again, the senate held hearings on steroids in baseball, and the house was still debating mylar balloons. While the American people made hard decisions about finances, both houses lived like royalty. Instead of finding solutions, they pointed fingers.
If you really want to find who is to blame for this mess, you have to look to both houses, both parties. And yes, Obama is as much to blame for this mess, and he ability with a mop sucks.|||Would you care to explain what destruction you are referring to?How do Republicans expect President Obama to fix and cure 8 years of GWB destruction in just 1 year in office?In December you said to give him a month. In January you said to give him until the end of summer. In August you said to give him a year. It's been a year, how much time are you asking for this time for The Alleged President?|||First of all, it may be your perception of the previous administration that is causing your difficulty in understanding the criticism of Obama, the worst President since Carter.
But know, keep dreaming that dream. Maybe one day, the answer will come to you.How do Republicans expect President Obama to fix and cure 8 years of GWB destruction in just 1 year in office?they don't, they just like to whine.|||How exactly was the DOW @ 14000+ under Bush a "destruction"?
Do yourself a favor and stop reading your weekly DNC newsletters.|||Seeing as how you never told us what mistakes he made, I can not properly answer this question. Secondly, if Bush did make a mistake, Obama and the liberals could stop whining about how it was Bush's fault and fix it with sensible plans that don't steal our money and condemn innocent babies to death. Think about that.|||Yes, what could be more wonderful than destroying millions upon million of American jobs and adding trillions of new debt in a single year to do it?
Seriously, how much do you have to hate this country, and the people who live here, to hold the opinion that Obama is doing a wonderful job?|||lol. If your talking about the some research. Go ahead...take a look at the numbers during Bush's first 6 years. Take a look at the numbers during his last 2, when Congress was dominated by Dem's. Then take a look at the numbers during the past year, when all of Washington was controlled by Dem's....go ahead...take a look and see how stupid you sound.|||i expect nothing from the inept loser barack hussein obama!!!|||you would think from all the money his congress spent, some of these problems would been fixed. hows' that hope and change doin for ya?|||He's the messiah. He was supposed to fix everything day 1.|||Criticism comes with the job. He shoulda realized that before he took office. You guys bashed George for 8 years. He never whined.|||PLEASE TELL ME HOW OLD YOU ARE AND WHAT EDUCATION IN
IT ISNT GOING TO WORK............|||we expect him to turn off the xbox 360, and put on a pair of work boots
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