Monday, January 30, 2012

Why is the Obama administration trying to panic the people to take out savings?

I find it upsetting that the fed is saying there may not be enough money to cover bank deposits if banks fail. It raised the FDIC rate from 100,000 to 250,000 to build confidence and now it is doing just the opposite. To me it seems Obama is simply trying to destroy this country.Why is the Obama administration trying to panic the people to take out savings?We are panicking because we heard him say he was going to nationalize the banks. I wonder do any of his supporters actually understand what nationalizing a business means? For those who think this is a good idea nationalizing a business means the government takes it over lock, stock and barrel. They do not compensate the shareholders or if a private bank the owners. In other words they steal the business claiming it for the "people". Does this sound like something the President of the United States should even be mentioning much less doing?|||Ugh. I'm so sick of conservatives saying things like "he's TRYING to destroy the country." Why would he want to do that? He's an AMERICAN. He loves this country just like you and I do. Maybe you don't agree with his policies, but no true American wants to destroy this country. What would he have to gain by doing so?

I don't know why anyone in their right mind would want to be president. In this crappy economy, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Only someone who is truly patriotic and thinks they can make a real POSITIVE difference would want to be president.

Tell me, exactly what would you do differently, if you're so brilliant?Why is the Obama administration trying to panic the people to take out savings?To keep money in circulation so they wont have to print as much. Remember when Gov. borrowed from banks before, now they are running the printing presses full time to keep people from losing pay checks. Obama is a lawyer, not a business man. This is destined to blow up in his face. Guess who will get blamed for it ? Of course, Republicans.|||Don't Blame President Obama and his Administration for that. That is George W. Bush and his Administration. President Obama is only trying to do something about it. Lets hope it works. It has to be better than doing nothing.Why is the Obama administration trying to panic the people to take out savings?Bush already destroyed America -- it is not possible to destroy something twice.

Sorry, try another approach.

P.S. It was the Republican bank CEOs that helped him.|||Obama is NUTS, or an Islamic terrorist implant. Either way the American people are screwed.|||Obama = worst thing to happen to the economy since.....George W. Bush

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