Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can Obama believe that Clarence Thomas was unqualfied and yet believe he is qualified?

Amazing hypocricy. Im watching the Saddleback debates where Warren asked Obama what Supreme Court Justices he "wouldnt" have appointed. Obama started with Clarence Thomas because he was unqualified. Unreal! Thomas qualifications for the Supreme Court absolutely perfect compared to Obama's qualifications for the presidency.

Can anyone square this outrageous remark?How can Obama believe that Clarence Thomas was unqualfied and yet believe he is qualified?"Amazing hypocrisy."

You answered your own question. Correctly at that.|||Sure, I loathe the poor job Thomas has done too.

He is intellectually lazy, hasn't had an original thought since he got there, and if he weren't a conservative black, brought in to rub the Dem s nose and dare them to refuse to nominate him, he wouldn't have made dogcatcher.

He is a disgrace to the bench. And worse, everyone in the court knows it.

There were dozens of better candidates, even conservative ones, even black conservative ones, Thomas was a joke then, and he is now.

I don't hold with everything any pol has to say, so I can see where I believe half of what Obama said, that Thomas was unqualified.

I don't know if Obama would have had the balls not to approve a black justice.

Presidential qualifications are vastly overrated, some of our best qualified men and women have been passed over while some morons or thieves got in, you can't square politics, its a spiral.How can Obama believe that Clarence Thomas was unqualfied and yet believe he is qualified?It appears to me that Obama was saying that, not because he believes it but simply because Clarence Thomas is black and Obama wants to make us believe that he is not the racist that he so often has appeared to be, Thomas is also a Bush Sr. appointee

Did you also notice that McCain did not mention Thomas, he mentioned

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom I believe is the most liberal person on the court. The fact that Ginsburg was the president of the ACLU should have excluded her immediately|||I can he said Thomas because he thought it would sound good, to diss one of his own race instead of someone that was white, that way they could not accuse him of being racist, i really rather doubt he meant what he said at all. he did that for the obvious reasons to make himself look better, my husband and i noticed that right off the batt! as far as saddle back, Mccain was far better that night than Obama. i watched it twice all the way through. i was really impressed with Mccain that night he was right on the money!How can Obama believe that Clarence Thomas was unqualfied and yet believe he is qualified?I see nothing to be 'squared.' What are your qualifications to judge Obama's qualifications? You are only alleging your own opinions, so he is not being hypocritical.

Judge Thomas does not belong on the Court; he's the original Uncle Tom, and a deeply angry man for no good reason.

|||Obama was not allowed to have a speech writer and a teleprompter at the Saddleback debates. He is lost without them. Ask him the same question on another day and you'll get a different answer with Obama.|||obama is nuts. it comes down to liberal/conservative. what the constitution says and what obama thinks it should say! for a constitutional attorney,i can see why he never made it there,lol!|||you need to go back and listen to exactly how he worded that. don't listen to Hannity's version. Hear it for yourself. |||He had to say something anti-Clarence Thomas, since that's the standard Democrat position. Having it make sense is a little trickier.|||that's insane, obama is remotely qualified to manage anything, he's getting really delusional. |||Perverted Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas is indeed unqualfied.|||It shows Obama has a poor ability to think.

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