Monday, January 30, 2012

How many mops is Obama going to need to clean up Dumbo's mess?

I probably need to be investing money in a mop company, because President Obama is going to need a lot of them to clean up Dumbo's mess.How many mops is Obama going to need to clean up Dumbo's mess?Billions.

Bush was a fiasco on many issues and to see republicants defend him on the YA board is repulsive.|||Dumbo left a mess???? I'm guessing that since the only person who "left a mess" according to Obama is George Bush that you mean him also. Ummmm, the last time I checked, and that was this morning, Obama has been President for 19 months. That's 5 months short of two years in case you can't figure out how long it is. So let me ask this question. At what point in time will Obama have been President long enough to OWN what he's done since he's been President and you guys stop blaming everything from Noah's Flood to earth quakes on George W. Bush? I know Obummer isn't going to take credit for his own screw ups, which are happening daily, but perhaps you could be just a little more intelligent than Obummer and see reality. Obummer does but he depends on blind people like you to just follow the yellow brick road as he leads you down it.How many mops is Obama going to need to clean up Dumbo's mess?I don't know.. but maybe somebody should clue Obama in on the fact that there are better ways to clean up a bottle of spilled juice than the dump a 50 gallon drum of tar on it.

He, and his brain dead supporters, haven't been able to quite figure that bit out yet..|||Not near as many as the next president will need to clean up the bs that the current man in the white house is making.....How many mops is Obama going to need to clean up Dumbo's mess?Not nearly as many as he needs to mop up his OWN mess.

He snubbed children! Boy scouts!|||He's not cleaning anything, just throwing more on top of the pile. Of course it's not in his backyard either.|||10|||Dumbo? I assume you mean Biden|||About half as many as the person who will have to clean Obama's mess. Don't worry, it'll be a good investment.

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